The increasing need for digital technologies in the post-COVID-19 world shows that industries across the world are either already affected or are in the process of digital transformation. Specifically, for the finance industry, stockbrokers, investors, and lending institutions have already implemented innovative technologies to stay relevant to the changing market needs. But, with the advent of new practices and technologies such as open banking and AI in FinTech, many people wonder how to create a stock market website that excels over the existing websites in the market.

If you want to learn how to create a website like Tradingview that will help your business grow and generate millions in revenue, read this blog till the end.

What is a Stock Market Website, and How Does It Work?

A stock market website is an internet-based platform that assists traders and brokers trade financial commodities through an electronic medium. These websites allow traders to invest in anything, be it bonds, currencies, debentures, shares, or other financial instruments. In layman’s terms, stock market websites are e-commerce but for stock trading.

Stock market websites allow brokers to find and track their favorite stocks and invest in financial instruments. Also, investors can use the stock market website to access and study the funds that they want to invest in. Although stock market websites don’t necessarily offer trading functionality, some websites like Trade Ideas offer complete functionality, including stock trading and, making sure that the investors never miss a trading opportunity.

Why Are Stock Market Websites So Popular?

Statista found that 14.1 million people in the US are using at least one stock market website or app. This is due to the accessibility that the online stock marketing/trading platform brings along. Investors and brokers can sell or buy stocks from anywhere in the world. The following are the commonly known benefits of stock marketing websites:

  • Enables stock trading beyond geographical boundaries. This means that any trader having an account with brokerage firms can do business via the Internet, irrespective of their location.
  • Streamline investor and client management. Online stock market and trading platforms also act as CRM software solutions that enable effective and efficient client data management.
  • 27×7 accessibility. While stock markets don’t remain open all the time, the stock market websites will, making it possible for users to access information anytime.
  • Real-time data availability. The stock market websites provide users with real-time data from the market. The website also uses artificial intelligence to help users decide the best stock for their choice, which ultimately reduces the risk of investment. 


    Stock Market Website?

  • Updateable Index Filters

With updatable index filters, stock market websites make it easy for customers to filter their portfolios or index to monitor them quickly. Filters reduce the time taken for a task and provide an astonishing user experience for the users.

  • Trading Functionality

Although stock market websites don’t need to act as an online stock trading platform, trading functionality is worth having. This functionality is the last step in the stock trading funnel.

To enable this, the most feasible option is to integrate with a third-party trading platform. For example, TradingView doesn’t have its own trading platform; it has implemented APIs from ForexTrader to enable ForexTrader account holders to do trading.

  • Secure Fund Transfer

Since both brokers and investors would be buying and reselling stocks on the stock trading/market platform, the money transfer function must be easy and quick. Ask your developers to build a simple yet secure payment flow and stock market website design so that the transaction data is secure. 

  • Real-time streaming of Charts and Quotes

In stock trading, a delay of one second can result in a loss of millions of US dollars. Stock trading is a fast process, and the brokers, as well as investors, make decisions swiftly. Hence, it will help you enable the live-streaming of charts and quotes on the home page or the top bar. To make sure that you show the right and updated information, you will have to integrate APIs from several news and stock websites such as CNBC or Insider. Although it doesn’t seem like a hard-to-implement feature, it is among the most crucial features to help users make the right financial decisions.

  • Financial Forecast and Analysis

The stock market is highly prone to global as well as local political and economic events. A shutdown of a mediocre company can potentially disrupt worldwide trading. Therefore, giving users access to real-time financial forecasts will help them make intelligent investment decisions. Stock market websites like Trade Ideas make use of artificial intelligence to provide investors with valuable market insights.

  • Push Notifications

Notifications in terms of mobile applications have indeed gone obsolete, especially when not integrated with personal customization. But, web portals still have the same importance when it comes to notifications. It can alert users about any major changes in the market that could potentially hamper their portfolio. If you have the resources to make this feature more intelligent using AI algorithms, then go for it.

  • Favorites or Watchlists

Investors track stocks for a long period before investing in them; hence, if your stock market website allows them to select their favorite stocks, and show them these stocks separately so that the investor can see any the trends quickly without even having to search specifically for them.

How to Develop a Stock Market Website – The Process

How To Create A Website Like TradingView?

Well, there is a lot that goes into a stock market website project, and here, we shall be discussing it all.

Before you decide to build your stock market website, you should ask yourself whether your business idea complies to a stock trading website or a stock market website.

Also, you’ll have to think about how it would help if you develop a full-fledged cloud-based stock market/trading platform. FYI, web-based portals are more versatile and functional than static websites.

In any case, let’s see how to create a stock market website. It is, as mentioned below:

1. Know the Compliances for Your Niche

Every industry vertical has its specific as well as common regulatory compliances. FinTech compliance ranges from consumer protection, data security, money laundering, and many more such. Also, the regulation specifications are different for every political boundary.

2. Design the Stock Market Concept, User Journeys, and Experience

Based on the compliance, you can think about the functionalities and value that you will be offering to the investors and brokers. It will help if you rank the functionalities according to their importance.

After developing the concept, you’ll have to create different user journeys based on your assumption. There are several purposes why the user will use your website; you should know them and create separate user journeys for each use.

Once you know how you want the user to interact with your stock market website, it’s time to stock market website design the wireframes and .psd. Don’t forget that investors and brokers are highly educated and have no time to waste. Therefore, you must design your stock market website with a minimalistic approach. You can consider the following factors while designing your stock market website:

  • It is beneficial to keep the user interface and experience in mind from the beginning of your website idea. It will help you to be realistic in terms of potential software features.
  • When designs are ready, perform usability testing. This is the most important phase, where you’ll make sure that your website is following your initial plan.
  • You will need to guide the UI/UX designers as they might not have experience designing FinTech software solutions. Your feedback will help them understand that you require a minimalistic design with more focus on usability.

3. Design Website/Portal Architecture and Develop the Website/portal.

Once you have the detailed requirements in hand and the designs are ready, you can jump straight on developing your stock market website.

If you’re unsure how to create a detailed requirement document, read the following article and come back: Create Product Requirement Document.

Every stock market website has three development stages – Building the Architecture, Back-end Development, and Front-end Development.

  • Build Architecture

The architecture on which your stock market website is built plays a crucial role in the entire system’s scalability and security. And this is something all companies like Tradingview should pay special attention to. 

I would recommend you do it on your own only if you have the expertise; otherwise, it is better to partner with a FinTech development company that knows how to create a stock trading platform. 

  • Back-End Development

Based on the decided architecture, the backend developers will integrate server technologies, manage the database, and develop software logic.

The developers often use programming languages such as Java, PHP, Ruby, Python, and .NET along with Oracle and MySQL to enable the smooth functioning of databases and servers.

Back-end development takes care of sign-ins, notifications, transactions, and other features for your stock market website in layman’s terms. This is where developers create stock market websites.

  • Front-End Development

The front-end development part deals with the stock market website design. The front-end developers make use of programming languages such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The developers are also familiar with software development frameworks like AngularJS, Bootstrap, and libraries like jQuery. 

In addition to the backend and front-end developers, the development team often consists of a project manager, a graphic designer, and a quality analyst (QA). 

So, this is how to build a stock market website. Now, let’s see how much all of this costs.

How Much Does It Cost to Create a Stock Market Website?

It is impossible to tell the exact cost of stock market website development right away. However, I can give you a ballpark range of where the cost mostly lies, but it will be too vague. The exact cost can only be calculated with detailed requirements and preferences. Therefore, let’s understand how to calculate the cost of a stock market website or platform development:

The cost to develop any software solution depends on the number of hours required to design and develop it. The same goes for the stock market website or platform development. The estimated time to develop different components of a stock market website is as follows:

  • Environment setup and website design: 3 – 4 weeks
  • Back-end development: 12 – 20 weeks
  • Front-end development: 10 – 15 weeks
  • Admin panel development: 2 – 5 weeks
  • Testing: 1-2 weeks
  • Production and final release: 1 week

This way, the total time required to develop a full-fledged stock market platform is 6 – 12 months. However, the development time can be reduced by executing tasks simultaneously if the requirements are clearly stated and are rigid. 

Considering 40 hours of work every week, the total hours required to develop a stock market platform will be 1,160 – 1,880 hrs. Given the hourly rate of software development in the USA at $70, the total cost for stock market platform development will range between 80,000 – 130,000 USD.

However, if you don’t require trading functionality, the cost will be a lot less. Therefore, the cost for a stock market website like TradingView will range between 40,000 – 60,000 USD.

Should You Develop Your Stock Market App In-house or Not?

Now that you know how to create a stock market website, the question you would ask yourself is whether to do it in-house or outsource it to a software development company. Developing your stock market website or platform in-house will give you complete control over the development process.

You can start developing your website or tradingview app immediately. However, for this, you need to have the required technical resources already in-house. If you don’t have them, you’ll have to spend a hefty amount of time procuring the development team and getting them on board. Also, if you develop the website in-house, the cost of development will be significantly higher.

This is why most IT projects are outsourced. Even When even companies like Adobe and Google are outsourcing most of their IT, stock market website projects, so there is no harm in outsourcing your stock market website development.

Outsourcing FinTech software development allows you to save time and money, get access to a global pool of talent, and avoid unnecessary recruitment and management.

Software Development Outsourcing

This is how to create a stock market website. However, there are things you should consider before you outsource your stock market website development work to a software development company.

Not every software development company is proficient in FinTech development and therefore, the company you pick should have extensive experience in developing software solutions for the banking and finance industry.